Monday, May 18, 2009

FORS Meeting Monday May 4, 2009 (postponed from 4/29/09)

FORS Meeting Monday 5/4/09 (Postponed from 4/29/09)

Those in attendance:
Cheryle Apple
Rick Hennes
Tom Donnelly
Sarah Donnelly
Julie Kelly
Michelle Scott
Audrey Keebler

A. After all the hard work, Riverview School looks good!!!

B. The painting that Ms. Keebler wanted done @ RVHS is complete.

C. Fingerprinting Status:
Mr. Hennes said that firm guidelines need to be put in place before the sports season begins for the 2009-2010 schoolyear. There should also be a vehicle inspection in place for vehicles before leaving for offsite school events/sports. It is uncertain at this time who would pay for the fingerprinting- perhaps the district, ASB, or some sort of donation. The ultimate goal will be that the district would bus all athletes instead of going in several private vehicles. It is thought that the RVPD offers a livescan(fingerprinting) for a $25 fee.

D. It's official- Vicky Turk will be the new principal @ RVHS beginning in the 2009-2010 schoolyear.

E. The PG&E rebate that was being looked into to save the district money is cancelled at this time.

F. There is still an issue with air conditioners being left on at @ RVHS when noone is in the classroom. If you discover this still happening contact the RVHS office.

G. There is now a substitute list for custodians. Three subs have passed the required lifting test. If you see lights on @ night, chances are it's not neglect or wastefulness, it just means custodians are at work or some lights are kept on for safety. The custodians have a set schedule with a certain amount of minutes to clean each room. It is planned that the custodians will wax the floors over Winter Break. There will be a strict summer schedule for the custodians. The classrooms will be "spic and span" for school staff and students when they return to school in August 2009.

H. There needs to be an overall review of the RDUSD irrigation system.

I. The RVHS school handbook needs to be more concise. The consequences for issues like underage drinking at school functions needs to be straight forward and to the point.
The consequences needs to be better described in the handbook. The consequences needs to be enforced. The handbook will be used in a more proactive fashion.

J. Mr. Hennes provided all in attendance with a draft of the revised master plan for RVHS. It is also on the RDUSD website. Three different revisions are now combined into one. A plan is necessary before we start building more. First you have a plan, then you make decisions.
Abbreviated Proposal:
An "L" shaped building that will house 3-4 classrooms and a faculty room
Expand cafeteria and outdoor food court (maybe install WIFI)
Update woodshop building
Expand gym-add balcony with additional seating and equipment
(building new gym is expensive and takes up space)
Install steps from parking lot to building "E"(Theater-Performing Arts Building)
On Tuesday May 19, 2009 there will be a meeting to discuss the proposed RVHS draft.
It is hoped that at the 6/1/09 Board Meeting the board will approve the facility plan.
The funds for this endeavor will be drawn from bond money or developer's fund.

Two committee members will come on May 26, 2009 and visit RVHS. They will be reviewing our progress and tour the school. This visit is being treated as a follow-up visit and not an initial visit. Ms. Keebler provided those in attendance with the final draft of the WASC report that was submitted. The final report is available at the RVHS office.

L. In our ongoing endeavor to continue bringing quality teachers into our district, we already have many awesome teachers :), we may have to provide more incentives. We need to make pay competitive and perhaps we could negotiate apartments with the city's help. Teachers are being persued through Ed-Join and Job Fairs.

M. Presently there is an employee who is cataloging all the textbooks in the district, this is the employee's sole duty presently. This person is taking inventory of every textbook in every classroom in the district.

N. Infrastructure @ RVHS
Building E does not have proper infrastructure for smartboards.
Building F does have proper infrastructure for smartboards.

O. A job description and salary is being put in place for an IT person or company to work with and for the district. One of the responsibilties of this person(s) will be to identify the needs/issues regarding technology in the district.

P. Online attendance is needed to make the schools in RDUSD more efficient in this area. It will also save time for staff.

Q. RVHS now has 16 platinums and 20 black and white printers. The goal is to an XP in every RVHS classroom by the end of the 2008-2009 schoolyear.

R. The teacher inservice on Friday May 22, 2009 @ RVHS will be regarding an online grading system. The grading system is called ENGRADE.COM.

S. The finals for RVHS will occur before winterbreak of 2009.

Remember-The first day of the 2009-2010 schoolyear will be Monday 8/17/09 and NOT Wednesday 8/19/09.

Tentatively, the next FORS meeting is Wednesday 8/19/09. Time and locale to be determined.

The revised RDUSD 2009-2010 school calendar can be found and downloaded at the RDUSD website.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Scott

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Agenda for 5/4/09 Meeting

FORS Agenda 
Rio Vista High School 
7:00 p.m. 

1. Review of last meeting's notes and follow up on any open issues. 

2. Safety, Health, and Cleanliness 
"Law Enforcement" policy for off/on campus social events 
Report on Master Site Plan 
Stairway to performing arts building 
Any VERVE requests? 

3. WASC 
Do we have a visitation date? 

4. New Staff at RVHS 
What is being done to address recruiting and retention? 
Has progress been made on textbook cataloging? 

5. Technology 
Any good news? 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

FORS Meeting Wednesday 3/25/09

Those in attendance:
Michelle Scott
Julie Kelly
Rick Hennes
Jonathan Mazer
Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Kathy Wright
Susan Whitesell
Gale Bowen
Cheryle Apple
Audrey Keebler
Tom Donnelly
Sarah Donnelly
Robert Hubbell
Bill Mortimore

A.Gale Bowen spoke on behalf of VERVE. VERVE's vision is to encourage people to help in their community. If you're interested in helping in some capacity you can register at or call (707) 374-5650. VERVE's goal is to see the task at hand from concept to implemenation to follow-up to review. VERVE saw a need for a centralized place for volunteers to be collected- a sort of clearinghouse. Volunteers may be contacted on short notice and be asked to work on an emergency project if available. VERVE feels communication is the key. VERVE's goal is not to take people's jobs, but to add additional resources.

Riverview School will be cleaning up their campus during Spring Break. VERVE views this endeavor as their pilot program. The school will be replacing their planters with blocks. The district office is supplying the tractor and driver. Able-bodied volunteers are still needed. The debris will have to be transported to the dumpster. A prep area will need to be ready for dirt to be delivered. It is thought that perhaps the wood being pulled out will be recycled for another project. The wall next to the panther will be primed and painted. There will be new irrigation, retaining walls put in, and planting areas will be rejuvinated. The dial up mass communication system , Bright Arrow System, was used to notify Riverview School parents of this endeavor. Flyers will be going home with the students also.
The dates for this endeavor looks as follows:
Saturday 4/4/09 Demolition
Monday 4/6/09 New soil and mulch arrive for planters
Thursday 4/9/09 Replacement of new soil,planting, and irrigation installed
Friday 4/10/09 Campus clean up

It was noted at the meeting that the District Office has a fresh mindset. The District Office has been open and supportive to volunteerism.

B. Transportation safety involving sporting events:
Fingerprinting should take place anytime a volunteer interacts with students in enclosed areas.
This includes vehicles that volunteers are driving students in. It is not known exactly how the athletes @ RVHS are being transported. Volunteers are transporting students and there are some questions about adequate seatbelt coverage in the past. Consistency needs to occur to keep our students safe. The Booster Club is working on purchasing a new van which will help with some if not all of these concerns.

C. The key @ RVHS is to prioritize tasks to make goals happen.
Dr. Audrey Keebler is our interim principal @ RVHS. Dr. Keebler has paint and painting supplies in her office. Dr Keebler will contact VERVE to get her painting project underway.

The chain of progress:
(Example) FORS (issues or ideas) to Site Principal to Site Principal contacting VERVE to FORS joins VERVE for project

D. Top Priorities:
-Painting needed @ RVHS entryway,main hallway, principal's office (administration wing)
-There is no relief from the sun on the Isleton Elementary blacktop. This is a safety issue. Mrs. Wright would like to see a slated structure (perhaps perogot) put over the picnic table as a form of relief from the sun. Isleton School does not have an irrigation system, perhaps down the road this can be looked in to further- to make the grounds nicer. A patio is needed for the library. The concrete is buckling and half the patio is fenced off right now. Mrs. Wright reported that there may be funding for the library patio project.

E. Mr. Hennes & RGM did a walk-thru of RVHS on 3/25/09 to work further on the master site plan.

F. Sub-pool issue
The District Office has advertised at great lengths to build our substitute pool, but they were not very successful. One of the issues seems to be the prospective substitutes having to go to Sacramento to take and pass a lifting test.

G. Custodians @ RVHS
Year 2006 24 hours of nighttime cleaning
8 hours of daytime cleaning

Presently 19 hours of nighttime cleaning
4 hours daytime cleaning

The custodians do have a set schedule of what they need to clean or attend to. The level of cleanliness needs to be at a higher level. It was asked if Craig Hamblin has a visitation inspection in place for the school sites. None is officially in place. If you see a custodian issue that needs to be addressed notify the site principal first.

H. PG & E energy saving rebate
Wayne Rebstock will bring in a company over Spring Break to perform an energy audit. It is thought that the District could shave off about 10% from their PG&E bill.

The final edit is done and Julie Griffin is working on the graphics for the final edit. The visiting committee is optimistic about their visit. The WASC plan and Site Council plan are cohesing together. The staff @ RVHS feels they are WASC ready. Mr. Hubbell announced that all the high schools in the district are now aligned.

A great idea was brought up. It is felt that a WASC apprecation celebration is in order. This celebration would be for all the hard work that was put in to this endeavor. Perhaps this celebration could also be for meeting MYP and MPI goals too. This event would likely occur in August 2009.

J. New RVHS principal
Mr. Hennes is aware that "we have to move" on obtaining a new principal @ RVHS for the 2009-2010 school year. During the next two weeks there will be two closed meetings regarding this issue.

K. Technology
The district started with 4 T-lines now the district has 9 per Mr. Hubbell. Mr. Branton had offered donating a T-line. Christi Ricketts is working through the donation process and is in contact with Mr. Branton. The District Office receives a subsidy for T-lines thru the government.

Status of wiring in Building E- RGM has all the specs needed. The wiring will go in the front of the room for better sound quality. Also, there's a soffet there which will make installation easier. The computers arrived @ RVHS last week !!!

Mr. Hubbell presented those that attended tonight with an excerpt from the Summary Points from the District Technology Plan packet.

Per Mr. Hubbell, every school in the district has a computer lab being utilized for education.

The District has a good relationship with Stepford. Stepford can handle a whole variety of computer issues.

The District Office keeps a log of what's being worked on regarding computers on school sites.

Dr. Keebler asked if there was an Internet Cafe or WiFi available to students. Mr. Hubbell said there was not but that he would look in to it.

A new tower (Y-max) is in the works for Radio Rio. Perhaps Radio Rio could rent access to cell phone companies and/or Internet Cafe or WiFi.

L. New Ag/ Natural Resources Building
The grant for this endeavor started at 5.4 million dollars. Funds were matched and now the cost is 2.8 million dollars. There was a meeting on 3/30/09 @ 5p.m. in the RVHS Theater regarding this endeavor. Stakeholders were invited per a mailing. The City of Rio Vista recently received an invitation. It is felt that not enough awareness was known about this meeting. Mr. Hubbell said that he would try to use the mass communication dial system to notify the community about this meeting. The new building/ or area adjacent to it hopes to house pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, but no cattle.Some of the issues are smell, noise, flies, and waste in the sewer system Mr. Donnelly said he will pull up city records regarding zoning issues within city limits. There is a 35 day application process. All concerns must be mitigated.Some of the things that the new building will house are 2 science departments, an aquahouse, and a greenhouse.

Some Action updates:
The custodian positions being restructured is still being worked on.

The students leaving campus issue was addressed by Mr. Hennes being visible the very next day. The side door of the cafeteria is now kept locked. Ms. Styles now does bus supervision in the morning.

The lights being left on @ the RVHS football field doesn't seem to be as much as an issue now.

The IT coordinator may be a staff member who volunteers on their site and who is good with computers. This person will act as a liason with the District appointed technology person. This will reduce costs.

Next Meeting: April 29, 2009 7:oo P.M.
RVHS Media Center

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Scott

Monday, March 16, 2009

Superintendent's Cabinet Recommendations to the Board

Superintendent’s Cabinet Recommendations to the Board
For Budget Cuts for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010

The following recommendations were developed with a potential Revenue Limit reduction from the General Fund of $450,000 for the current 2008-2009 school year and $600,000 for the next school year, 2009-2010.

In addition, the District must reduce its categorical expenses by $250,000 for the 2008-2009 school year and $188,931 for the 2009-2010 school year. The total reduction needed is $1,419,021.
Reduce the Office Specialist at D. H. White Elementary School from 6 hours to 3 hours per day
Eliminate the Secretary position at RD/Community Day Sch. $18,436.00
Eliminate Attendance Secretary/Registrar 8-hour per day position at Delta High/Clarksburg Middle Schools. Note that this position is currently vacant. $45,471.00
Eliminate Administrative Assistant for M&O and Facilities 8-hour per day position $47,368.00
Eliminate River Delta High/Elementary School (Independent Study) Secretary 10-hours per week position $9,553.00
Eliminate Cash Counting 6-hour per week position $6,702.00
Eliminate Technology Technician (email) 2-hours per day position $10,730.00
Re-allocate categorical administrative staff from General Funds to categorical funding
Reclassify from Director of Facilities full-time position (at Range 19) to full-time Director of Operations (to Range 15) $14,682.00
Eliminate the half-time (.5 FTE) Director of English Language Learners (ELL) position; merge the ELL duties with current Director of Special Education 1.0 FTE position; and move the position from 215 days to 205 days $63,588.00
Assign the principalship of Walnut Grove Elementary School to the Bates elementary/MHS/CDS principal at the current salary. $83,025.00
Certificated employees to take a reduction of 3 staff development days (1.5% of salary)
Reduce ELL Program by 1.0 FTE for 2009-2010 $50,817.00
Continue to fund all Music teachers -0- .
Eliminate the contribution of $1,000 to school sites for music materials $8,000.00
Eliminate the librarian at Riverview Middle School $11,731.00
Eliminate the librarian at Clarksburg Middle School $7,165.00
Reduce the district-wide overtime pay by at least 25% $20,982.00
Eliminate three teachers from Class-size Reduction program due to increased numbers of students in said classes. Plus, eliminate 1 upper-grade class due to small class size (4.0 FTE)
Eliminate .5 FTE in English (Note that current teacher has requested .50 assignment so no staff would be laid off here $25,409.00
Reduce P.E. 2 periods per day, RVHS $16,462.00
Reduce from 3 coaches to 2 coaches for varsity football at both high schools $4,108.00
Eliminate the swim team at RVHS due to lack of numbers and potential pool closure
Eliminate junior varsity cheer advisors at both high schools $6,429.00
Consolidate men’s and women’s golf teams at RVHS into one coed team (which is allowable in the CIF) $1,605.00
Eliminate General Fund contribution to Migrant Education Program $40,000.00
Reduce contribution to Bates’ Health Start Program from $25,000 to $10,000 $15,000.00
Reduce contribution to Rio Vista CARE from $25,000 to $10,000 $15,000.00
No school closure in 2009-2010. However, if enrollment in the District continues to decline and/or there are additional substantial budget cuts to be made, the superintendent will recommend that Walnut Grove School closed for the 2010-2011 school year. -0- .
Reduce instructional and central office supplies by 25% $115,000.00
Eliminate the following consulting services which are not directly connected to students:
A. Susan Stuart and Associates (lobbyist) ($39,000)
B. Storage facilities (school furniture) ($4,700)
C. Littler Mendelson (union negotiations) ($11,000) $54,700.00
Eliminate KIDS, the drug dogs $8,000.00
Reduce Advanced Kids contribution by $50,000 $50,000.00
Reduce outside speech therapist use by the District hiring their own personnel $50,000.00
Eliminate mentors for certificated administrators $25,000.00
Eliminate GLAD trainers $17,755.00
Reduce energy consumption district-wide by 5% $31,286.00
Reduce summer school program to avoid General Fund contribution $30,000.00
Eliminate refreshments at District and Board meetings $3,420.00
Reduce pay-range and change title for Chief Educational Services Officer to Director of Education Services $7,164.00
Eliminate Teacher-in-Charge stipends (must be negotiated with the teachers’ union)
Eliminate yearbook advisor stipends for elementary school sites $3,633.00
Reduce the vocational agricultural teachers stipend from 17% to 8.5% (must be negotiated with the teachers’ union) $39,525.00
District Leadership Team members voluntarily take a one-day work furlough $7,405.00
Classified employees voluntarily take one Board-approved holiday as non-paid day

Total 1,319,953.00

The balance of the needed reduction will be covered by certain categorical programs available ending balances
FORS Agenda
Isleton Elementary
Wednesday March 25
7 pm

1. Safety Health and Cleanliness
VERVE and FORs working together-Gale Bowen, Hope Cohn
Sign up list for volunteerism—Jonathan Mazer
Custodians at RVHS, restructuring by district, Sub pool and advertising,
Utility plan for cost saving measures at schools
PG&E Energy saving plan for school sites-Mr. Hennes/Wayne Rebstock
2. WASC RVHS update-
3. Technology at schools (Riverview, Isleton, DH White, RVHS)—Principals present,
4. Old Business
5. New Business

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Upcoming School Board Meetings

Hi Folks,

I've been told the next couple of meetings of the Board of Trustees will have some significant changes taking place that the FoRs group will be very happy about. I will be in Kelseyville all week for work and will not be able to make it but I'm hoping some of you will be able to make it. If there are some positive changes it would be great for us to show our community support for them!

The next Board of Trustees meeting is March 17 at 6:30 PM in Isleton.

Jonathan Mazer

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Those in attendance:
Michelle Scott
Christina Parks
Beth Vieira
Ryan Pace
Kirk Kenner
Suzanne Malta
Loetta Papetti
Sandy Thompson
Mary Gamaza
Rick Hennes
Jonathan Mazer
Susan Whitesell
Paul Heaney
Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Hale Conklin
Bill Mortimore
Mr. Hubbell
Greta Jenkins
Howard Branton

Minutes and Action Plans:

A. Safety, Health, & Cleanliness at our schools
It has been noticed that there is a drop in cleanliness in Building E and the gym @ RVHS. Mr Hennes reported that there have been custodian(s) out due to workers comp and sickness. When this occurred there was no sub pool to draw from. Overtime was approved for other custodian(s) to pick up slack. The custodian position has gone back to 18 hours however, leaving the custodian position 1 hour short still. Teachers at RVHS are aware of this issue and are unable to help w/ upkeep of school due to classified union contracts.

ACTION: The custodian positions will be restructured.

ACTION: Kids can help w/ school upkeep as long as classified union contract is okay w/ this, and receive up to 15 hours community service hours needed to meet graduation requirements. Students do beautify RVHS around April and can receive community service but the goal is to upkeep RVHS on a more consistant basis.

ACTION: To create a sub pool. Mr. Hennes will look in to advertising on Ed Join and newspaper ads. to hire to create a sub pool.

Broken Pipe at RVHS: Mr Hennes reported that the broken pipe @ RVHS was a lack of communication between the District Office and the contractor. There was an issue w/ the backflow device and there were concerns of contamination in the water system, but it was rectified.

Volunteers: some contractors, will be working at Riverview during Spring Break to remove debris and spruce up the grounds. Hale Conklin reported that VERVE will be helping with this endeavor. VERVE=Volunteers Enhancing Rio Vista Environment

The project that Mr. Galindo was working on at RVHS regarding beautifying and cleaning up the planter along the administration building will now coordinated by Mr. Hennes.

Mr. Hennes would like to begin receiving bids to gain stairs and a pathway to the Fine Arts Building @ RVHS. Mr. Hennes would like to do this with the School Boards okay and use bond money. Mr. Hennes would like to see this occur over summer 2009.

There is no change at the school sites regarding garden grounds. There is one gardener for every 2-3 schools.

ACTION: Reschedule gardeners more efficiently.

The parking lot lights outside of the Tapella Buiilding at DH White School were fixed. This will make it safer when its dark.

It has been observed that students are getting off buses @ RVHS in morning and leaving campus. Also parent volunteers would like to help w/ ensuring that students are safe and following rules, especially during lunchtime.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will talk to Ms. Eggers about the students leaving campus in the morning and not attending school and consolidating students to one area for easier supervision.

ACTION: Volunteers @ RVHS are welcome but MUST do the following:
1.Sign in at front office
2.Follow all board policies
3.Volunteer must be on file, had TB test etc...
4.Volunteers can only observe and report, can not take action-notify staff instead

B. State of the District (Budget Advisory Committee)
It was reported that the PG&E bill for the year was very high. It was reported that some of the air conditioners at RVHS have ice on the unit, this means something is wrong w/ these units and they need to be looked at to reduce wasteful spending.

At the district level energy saving can reduce debt and expenses, starting with using energy saving light bulbs at our schools.

ACTION: Electric bill can be reduced by cutting off thermostats when not in use. Staff awareness is part of solution. Mr. Heaney and Mr. Pace (teachers at RVHS) will make other teachers @ RVHS aware of this issue.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will look in to an energy audit to be performed by PG&E. This might even result in our schools receiving PG&E rebates.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will talk to Wayne Rebstock and will let us know the progress of energy saving at our schools at our next meeting.

ACTION: It has been noticed that lights at RVHS football field are on hours before football/soccer games begin. It would be more energy conscious if coaches turned on lights just before game started instead of other employees turning lights on hours before.

A Timeline For Budget Actions was provided by Mr. Hennes. (Perhaps you could get a copy in the district office) Dates to remember:
Feb 25 Final BAC meeting @Walnut Grove 4:30 p.m.
March 3 Special Board meeting @ Clarksburg MS 6:30 p.m.
March 17 Regular Board Meeting @ Isleton 6:30 p.m. * Public hearing on budget reductions *
ACTION: Mr.Hennes will publicize this meeting in newspaper
April 14 Regular Board Meeting @ Bates 6:30 p.m.
May 5 Special Board Meeting @ RVHS Theater 6:30 p.m.

C. RVHS WASC Accreditation Update
Amy Eggers is meeting w/ the accreditation consultant tonight. The self study is complete and the consultant is reviewing that and action plan. The English Depatrment @ RVHS will edit it next week. Next Wednesday 2-25-09 is the next focus meeting @ 2:15 p.m. in media center @ RVHS. In May 2009 RVHS will be visited by two members of the accreditation board. Mr. Pace reported that RVHS teachers will be better prepared for this visit. Late June of 2009 is when RVHS will know the status of their accreditation. The two options are:
1. 2 year accreditation then review
2. no accreditation at this time

ACTION: Mr. Hubbell said letters will go out to all RVHS parents regarding the accreditation decision in June or July.

D. Textbook Coordinator Position
Due to budget cuts and the issue of whether this is part of an existing employee's job this postion has been put on hold.

ACTION: The district will reconsider and reevaluate the textbook coordinator position.

E. Mass Communication for schools
The Soroptomist Club donated a dial up mass communication system to the District called Bright Arrow System. The district has a two year contract w/ this system and a vendor is in the process of installing this system to get it up, running, and utilized. Teachers will be trained on how to use this sytem. After the two year contract is up Mr. Hennes would like to transfer to Connect Ed. Mr. Hennes feels Connect Ed is a superior mass communication service.

F. Funding for Technology and Staff Instruction
$10,000.00 in Microsoft funds have been earmarked for RVHS. This will go to the Lexia program. Paul Heaney will train staff on how to make and upkeep their webpages.

$10,000.00 in Microsoft funds have been earmarked for RVHS. These are vouchers that have been applied for hardware. 7 desktop HP computers have been ordered for teacher's classrooms.

ACTION: Howard Branton stated that he could donate T1 line if needed. He will discuss this with Mr Hennes.

RVHS staff has decided that they don't want students to have access to updating the school website due to confidentiality issues and possible hacking occurring.

G. IT Coordinator
Mr. Hubbell stated he worked with a company that prepared a FCMAT draft to support bringing in an IT coordinator. Cost analysis needs to be performed. Using Microsoft or Google might be options for this position.

H. Technology Issues/Solutions
It was reported that the district has a lack of infrastructure. Mr. Hubbell will contact a vendor that the district already has a monthly service contract agreement to see if they will give the district a 50% discount for student folders.

Phones are now in & operative in all classrooms throughout school district.
Mr. Heaney reported that he will do a walk thru tomorrow with RGM @ RVHS to see if all classes are ready to have electronic white boards installed by middle of March 2009.

I. Staff Coverage @ RVHS
The AVID/Ap English teacher has asked to go to 1/2 time. There is a credentialed long term sub who will make up the difference as English teacher.

There is a credentialed math teacher on staff who will replace Mr Walker.
There is a long term sub for special ed teacher who left. This position may be eliminated or consolidated w/ another position.
RVHS staff was given options as to the leadership desired at their school and accomplishing the WASC process. The staff decided that Mr. Hennes will be serving in a dual role as superintendent and principal @ RVHS. Mr. Hennes requested that any issues regarding his principal role @ RVHS or his superintendent role for the district should emailed to him.

Next FORs meeting
March 25, 2009 7:00 p.m. @ Isleton School
Agenda: Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Facilitator: Jonathan Mazer