Sunday, February 22, 2009


Those in attendance:
Michelle Scott
Christina Parks
Beth Vieira
Ryan Pace
Kirk Kenner
Suzanne Malta
Loetta Papetti
Sandy Thompson
Mary Gamaza
Rick Hennes
Jonathan Mazer
Susan Whitesell
Paul Heaney
Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Hale Conklin
Bill Mortimore
Mr. Hubbell
Greta Jenkins
Howard Branton

Minutes and Action Plans:

A. Safety, Health, & Cleanliness at our schools
It has been noticed that there is a drop in cleanliness in Building E and the gym @ RVHS. Mr Hennes reported that there have been custodian(s) out due to workers comp and sickness. When this occurred there was no sub pool to draw from. Overtime was approved for other custodian(s) to pick up slack. The custodian position has gone back to 18 hours however, leaving the custodian position 1 hour short still. Teachers at RVHS are aware of this issue and are unable to help w/ upkeep of school due to classified union contracts.

ACTION: The custodian positions will be restructured.

ACTION: Kids can help w/ school upkeep as long as classified union contract is okay w/ this, and receive up to 15 hours community service hours needed to meet graduation requirements. Students do beautify RVHS around April and can receive community service but the goal is to upkeep RVHS on a more consistant basis.

ACTION: To create a sub pool. Mr. Hennes will look in to advertising on Ed Join and newspaper ads. to hire to create a sub pool.

Broken Pipe at RVHS: Mr Hennes reported that the broken pipe @ RVHS was a lack of communication between the District Office and the contractor. There was an issue w/ the backflow device and there were concerns of contamination in the water system, but it was rectified.

Volunteers: some contractors, will be working at Riverview during Spring Break to remove debris and spruce up the grounds. Hale Conklin reported that VERVE will be helping with this endeavor. VERVE=Volunteers Enhancing Rio Vista Environment

The project that Mr. Galindo was working on at RVHS regarding beautifying and cleaning up the planter along the administration building will now coordinated by Mr. Hennes.

Mr. Hennes would like to begin receiving bids to gain stairs and a pathway to the Fine Arts Building @ RVHS. Mr. Hennes would like to do this with the School Boards okay and use bond money. Mr. Hennes would like to see this occur over summer 2009.

There is no change at the school sites regarding garden grounds. There is one gardener for every 2-3 schools.

ACTION: Reschedule gardeners more efficiently.

The parking lot lights outside of the Tapella Buiilding at DH White School were fixed. This will make it safer when its dark.

It has been observed that students are getting off buses @ RVHS in morning and leaving campus. Also parent volunteers would like to help w/ ensuring that students are safe and following rules, especially during lunchtime.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will talk to Ms. Eggers about the students leaving campus in the morning and not attending school and consolidating students to one area for easier supervision.

ACTION: Volunteers @ RVHS are welcome but MUST do the following:
1.Sign in at front office
2.Follow all board policies
3.Volunteer must be on file, had TB test etc...
4.Volunteers can only observe and report, can not take action-notify staff instead

B. State of the District (Budget Advisory Committee)
It was reported that the PG&E bill for the year was very high. It was reported that some of the air conditioners at RVHS have ice on the unit, this means something is wrong w/ these units and they need to be looked at to reduce wasteful spending.

At the district level energy saving can reduce debt and expenses, starting with using energy saving light bulbs at our schools.

ACTION: Electric bill can be reduced by cutting off thermostats when not in use. Staff awareness is part of solution. Mr. Heaney and Mr. Pace (teachers at RVHS) will make other teachers @ RVHS aware of this issue.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will look in to an energy audit to be performed by PG&E. This might even result in our schools receiving PG&E rebates.

ACTION: Mr. Hennes will talk to Wayne Rebstock and will let us know the progress of energy saving at our schools at our next meeting.

ACTION: It has been noticed that lights at RVHS football field are on hours before football/soccer games begin. It would be more energy conscious if coaches turned on lights just before game started instead of other employees turning lights on hours before.

A Timeline For Budget Actions was provided by Mr. Hennes. (Perhaps you could get a copy in the district office) Dates to remember:
Feb 25 Final BAC meeting @Walnut Grove 4:30 p.m.
March 3 Special Board meeting @ Clarksburg MS 6:30 p.m.
March 17 Regular Board Meeting @ Isleton 6:30 p.m. * Public hearing on budget reductions *
ACTION: Mr.Hennes will publicize this meeting in newspaper
April 14 Regular Board Meeting @ Bates 6:30 p.m.
May 5 Special Board Meeting @ RVHS Theater 6:30 p.m.

C. RVHS WASC Accreditation Update
Amy Eggers is meeting w/ the accreditation consultant tonight. The self study is complete and the consultant is reviewing that and action plan. The English Depatrment @ RVHS will edit it next week. Next Wednesday 2-25-09 is the next focus meeting @ 2:15 p.m. in media center @ RVHS. In May 2009 RVHS will be visited by two members of the accreditation board. Mr. Pace reported that RVHS teachers will be better prepared for this visit. Late June of 2009 is when RVHS will know the status of their accreditation. The two options are:
1. 2 year accreditation then review
2. no accreditation at this time

ACTION: Mr. Hubbell said letters will go out to all RVHS parents regarding the accreditation decision in June or July.

D. Textbook Coordinator Position
Due to budget cuts and the issue of whether this is part of an existing employee's job this postion has been put on hold.

ACTION: The district will reconsider and reevaluate the textbook coordinator position.

E. Mass Communication for schools
The Soroptomist Club donated a dial up mass communication system to the District called Bright Arrow System. The district has a two year contract w/ this system and a vendor is in the process of installing this system to get it up, running, and utilized. Teachers will be trained on how to use this sytem. After the two year contract is up Mr. Hennes would like to transfer to Connect Ed. Mr. Hennes feels Connect Ed is a superior mass communication service.

F. Funding for Technology and Staff Instruction
$10,000.00 in Microsoft funds have been earmarked for RVHS. This will go to the Lexia program. Paul Heaney will train staff on how to make and upkeep their webpages.

$10,000.00 in Microsoft funds have been earmarked for RVHS. These are vouchers that have been applied for hardware. 7 desktop HP computers have been ordered for teacher's classrooms.

ACTION: Howard Branton stated that he could donate T1 line if needed. He will discuss this with Mr Hennes.

RVHS staff has decided that they don't want students to have access to updating the school website due to confidentiality issues and possible hacking occurring.

G. IT Coordinator
Mr. Hubbell stated he worked with a company that prepared a FCMAT draft to support bringing in an IT coordinator. Cost analysis needs to be performed. Using Microsoft or Google might be options for this position.

H. Technology Issues/Solutions
It was reported that the district has a lack of infrastructure. Mr. Hubbell will contact a vendor that the district already has a monthly service contract agreement to see if they will give the district a 50% discount for student folders.

Phones are now in & operative in all classrooms throughout school district.
Mr. Heaney reported that he will do a walk thru tomorrow with RGM @ RVHS to see if all classes are ready to have electronic white boards installed by middle of March 2009.

I. Staff Coverage @ RVHS
The AVID/Ap English teacher has asked to go to 1/2 time. There is a credentialed long term sub who will make up the difference as English teacher.

There is a credentialed math teacher on staff who will replace Mr Walker.
There is a long term sub for special ed teacher who left. This position may be eliminated or consolidated w/ another position.
RVHS staff was given options as to the leadership desired at their school and accomplishing the WASC process. The staff decided that Mr. Hennes will be serving in a dual role as superintendent and principal @ RVHS. Mr. Hennes requested that any issues regarding his principal role @ RVHS or his superintendent role for the district should emailed to him.

Next FORs meeting
March 25, 2009 7:00 p.m. @ Isleton School
Agenda: Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Facilitator: Jonathan Mazer

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Agenda for 2/18/09

FOR Schools Agenda
February 18, 2009
DH White Elementary School
Tapella Center

1. Introductions/Address by facilitator Jonathan Mazer/assign minute taker and action tracker

2. Safety, Health & Cleanliness- Rick Hennes, Principals in attendance
Discuss plan for volunteers to help on the school sites/CSEA union
Broken pipe at RVHS
What is happening at all the sites to maintain the grounds
Riverview and DH White site concerns—Bill Mortimore

3. RVHS WASC Accreditation Update--Joe Galindo, Toni Mazer

4. Status of textbook coordinator for schools.--Rick Hennes

5. Communication--
Bright Arrrow system (already purchased for Riverview and RVHS) vs Connect Ed--Rick Hennes
Timely response to parent e-mails--what is being done to address this--Joe Galindo
Student utilization to update RVHS's website--Joe Galindo

6. Funding for Technology & Staff Instruction--Rick Hennes
Where is the district in looking into the possibility of contracting the IT Coordination with one of the District's counties.
What is District plan to address funding sources
District plans to address staff technology instructional needs
Problems with the thin client lab at RVHS and proposed remedies
Plan to hook up smart boards and projectors in Building E at RVHS

7. Staff Coverage Needs at RVHS-Joe Galindo
Where are we in terms of replacing staff that has resigned or on leave, i.e. AVID, AP English, English, Math & Special Education
Update on the principal status at RVHS--Rick Hennes, Joe Galindo

8. Update on the state of the district--Rick Hennes
Budget Advisory Committee

9. Other business

10. Schedule Next Meeting