Friday, January 16, 2009

Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2009

FOR Schools Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2009
Riverview Middle School Library


Julie Kelly
Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly
Sarah Donnelly
Tom Donnelly
Jonathan Mazer
Toni Mazer
Dawn Harshman
Bill Mortimore
Christina Parks
Rick Hennes, Superintendant
Pierre Laleau, Riverview Middle School Principal
Joe Gallindo, Rio Vista High School Principal
Jack Krebs, Rio Vista City Councilman

1. Assignment of next meeting Facilitator: Jonathan Mazer
Assignment of next meeting Agenda Publication: Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly

From now on all agendas should be published at least one week in advance to allow for additions, deletions, and researched answer to be accommodated.

2. WASC Update - Julie Kelly, Sarah Donnelly, Joe Gallindo & Rick Hennes
Reports now in the proof-reading stages, all the work is completed and after proofing, focus group reports will go to the consultant, Mr. Bush, for final review. Mr. Gallindo has been meeting with every classroom to discuss the WASC process with students and give them all an opportunity for input. School District Trustees have also been participating.

3. Blog Clarification - Sarah Donnelly
The blog is an "Active Newsletter" in which 'Posts' are intended to be statements of fact. Comments and opinions belong in the 'Comments' portion trailing the posts, not as new posts. While anonymous comments are allowed, concern was voiced that they may not receive the attention that signed comments receive and in the spirit of open dialogue, everyone is encouraged to share and allow for two-way communications. Anonymous commenters are also not notified of responses to their comments and may miss out on important updates or corrected misconceptions!

4. Safety, Health, and Cleanliness - Bill Mortimore, Joe Gallindo, Rick Hennes, and Pierre Laleau
Bill Mortimore wanted everyone to know that he has seen positive movement at the RVHS site cleaning up surplus equipment and with the purchase of a pressure washer, much of the campus has been, "The cleanest I've ever seen!" He also pointed out that there are still improvements to be done, i.e. window washing.
Rick Hennes - The District is moving forward researching a notification system to send out mass phone messages to update parents and student of emergencies, cancellations, and schools events. The district has examined one system and will be comparing it to another to find the best value. The District is still pursuing hiring a Campus Supervisor to fill gaps in student supervision during staff breaks, etc.
Pierre Laleau - The District purchased the "Bright Arrow" system last year which is still waiting to be connected. This system may be what the District is looking for and not realize it had already.
* Minute Taker's Note * This type of open dialogue and sharing of information is exactly what FOR Schools is trying to achieve.

5. Status of Textbook Coordinator
CSEA (California School Employees' Association) approved the District's current approach which is still not a final plan. The current approach is to take a current position which has been scaled back to part-time and make it full-time again by adding the Textbook Coordinator responsibilities to it. This is a work in progress but the Superintendent intends to have this position filled before this Spring.

6. Funding for Technology & Staff Training
There are only two teachers who are not equipped for emails. While the District is currently looking into purchasing refurbished laptops with three year warranties they will also look into the posibility of contracting the IT Coordination with one of the District's counties.

7. Communications
Based upon the information in Tech & Staff Training, lack of staff response to parent emails is not likely resulting from lack of access to email and more likely a lack of inclination to check it. Notice was taken of a partial update to the high school website although some work was still needed; i.e. the honor roll roster and some of the link tabs.
Suggestion was made that RVHS student and Vice Principal Eggers' T.A. Zach Boyd is technology savvy and would be well utilized as the webmaster for the high school website.

8. Staff Vacancies & Coverage
Concerns were voiced regarding substitute teachers not being informed or knowledgeable about the subject matter or current assignments. Both the Superintendant and Principal Joe Gallindo empasized that the best way to address this type of issue is to come to the office and allow the administration to deal with the issues while they're fresh.
Mr. Gallindo brought up the possibility that some of the Special Ed students may be better served moving them out of Special Ed to pushing them to expand their performance while instituting a program similar to the Never Streaming Program in Elk Grove where student performance is constantly monitored to see that each student's needs are being met by their placement. It's possible that our staffing needs may shift if these issues are addressed.

9. Bond Money Status - Rick Hennes
All bond money has been frozen by the State, including the promised matching funds. As a result the following programs are affected as follows:
- Building F will still be finished and move-in ready in August
- The Ag/CTE Buidling is no longer being considered
- Isleton construction will be completed
- Delta High Art Grant is frozen
The District will insist on an extention of the window for completing projects based upon the State-frozen funds.

10. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 7:00 PM
D.H. White School
Multipurpose Room
Facilitator: Jonathan Mazer
Agenda: Roxanne Stiles-Donnelly

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