Tuesday, November 25, 2008

FORS Meeting Minutes

FOR Meeting Wednesday 11-19-08

Those in attendance:
Lee Williams
Roxanne Donnelly
Tom Donnelly
Michelle Scott
Julie Kelly
Everett Upham
Jonathon & Toni Mazer
Cheryl Apple
Greta Jenkins
Hale Conklin
Mary Gamaza
Gale Bower

The Approved Mission Statement is:
FOR schools is a group of community supporters dedicated to the overall improvement and promotion of quality education in our local schools.

A.The WASC progress is coming along fine except for a few questions that need to be addressed:

1. The Curriculum focus group may need some help, as their lead teacher will be out on Tuesday 11-24-08 which is when this focus group will be worked on further. We will help as needed. (Remember-We only say this because we want to help)

2. We want to ensure that the students are represented as part of the WASC process.

FYI-each focus group should have at least one staff member, one parent, and one student.

B. Facilities walkthrough
The group feels that each school site should prioritize what needs to be done. It is felt that there should be an "items that can be done now" list and an "items that need major funding" list. It is our goal to work with the district as to where to start and how to get the job done. It was discussed to perhaps get a community volunteer liason to work with the district to spearhead this.

C. I am very happy to announce that all kids now have their required textbooks at RVHS!!!

D. Hale Conklin and Gale Bower have agreed to head a community based volunteer "clearinghouse." Hale Conklin is with a group called Rio Vista Advocates. His goal is to acquire office space in Rio Vista. Hale Conklin and Gale Bower will then provide volunteer manpower to help the community with jobs/projects that need to be done. A website is underway that will list people who have certain invaluable talents and are willing to help. If you are interested in being part of this or have any further questions please visit the website:

E. Our 5 Top Priorities presently:
1. Receiving WASC accredidation
2. Safety,Health,& Cleanliness issues pertaining to the schools
3. Obtaining a textbook coordinator for our schools
4. Technology instruction for the schools' staff
5. Ensuring that communication with the community's schools continues to improve through efforts with all parties involved.

F. Toni Mazer stated that she will do a mass e-mail mailing of the technology plan so we can see what's in place.

Our next FOR Schools meeting is Wednesday 12-10-08 @ 7 p.m. in the RVHS theater
Please plan to attend-our school community depends on it.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Scott

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Facility Needs @ DH White Elementary School

Facility Needs List from Linda Costlow, Principal of DH White Elementary:

  1. Perimeter fencing--> This is our #1 safety issue
  2. Paint Trim in front of school
  3. Improved Parking--> (site master plan)
  4. TECHNOLOGY Improved connectivity / Increased capacity in lab infrastructure.
  5. Replace windows--> Improved energy efficiency
  6. Replace carpets--> Wayne replaced 3 rooms this summer
  7. Full sized kindergarten rooms
  • Small rooms can be used for speech, OT, PT, etc. One of the small rooms is now Title I Resource Room and another is Psychologist's work area.

8. Improved Office Area

  • (part of the site master plan) Increase size, improve visibility and accessibility

9. Improved play area

  • We need an area designated for kindergarten with appropriately sized equipment as well as an area designated for older students with more appropriate play equipment.

Submitted 11/23/08 by Julie Kelly

Friday, November 21, 2008

FOR Schools Mission Statement and focus

FOR Schools is a group of community supporters who are dedicated to the overall improvement and promotion of quality education in our local schools.

The main focus at this time is listed in order of priority:
1. Safety health and cleanliness of the schools
2. Coordinate Volunteer program to promote the maintenance of the schools
3. WASC accreditation of RVHS
4. Textbooks for students
5. Technology in the schools for students to learn by and teachers to teach from
6. Communications from school site administrators and teachers

Loss of student demographic data at RVHS

Informational Meeting - Report
Loss of Aeries School Student Data Memory “Thumb drive”
November 20, 2008
5:30 p.m. – Rio Vista Performing Arts Theatre
Approximately 100 parents in attendance.

Presenter: Scot Yarnell, Esq.

School Administration Representation: Rio Vista Principal Joe Galindo. (District Superintendent was not able to participate due to recovery from recent surgery.)


What is the school district doing to protect the use of student information for illegal purposes?
A. District has reviewed security of Aeries data systems at all schools. New protocols have been given. Back up memory drives are being put in safes until a secure centralized back up unit is established.

What does the school district intend on doing to put fraud “checks”/monitoring processes in place as precaution to lost student data?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

What is the school district doing to correct the situation and protect information?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Was all students’ data on the thumb drive?
A. Yes

Were police notified?
A. Yes. Case number will be available Monday, November 24, 2008

What can be done to watch for future problems?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Why are student Social Security numbers needed?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Senior students need to be a priority.

How many students may be affected?
A. 380 Students (Inactive and Active)

Does the data contain information of students not presently attending Rio Vista High School?
A. Yes, but only students that are currently attending and students who have withdrawn for the current year. The total amount remains 380 students.

Will the school district board discuss this issue and if so; will they put remedy on a fast track?
A. To be further investigated and reported.


Provide resource(s), individual or agency, to meet with concerned individuals to help them with problems if problems arise.

Provide information to students and parents, via school webpage, on the ongoing status of the situation.

Make police report case number available for individuals to use if they need to the information to reconstruct Social Security Numbers

District provide and have available a descriptive letter documenting the situation that can be used for future reference by credit bureau if needed.

Make sure police are notified.

Need quick response to issue.

Investigate how other school districts have addressed similar issue.

Provide that minutes of meeting be available to all parents and students.

Develop and share a plan of action.

Provide all missing attorney information.

Request board meeting discussion/action agenda item be established.

Information to be available, by Monday, regarding the extent of student names on lost thumb drive and police report case number.

Next meeting set for December 3, 2008, at 7:00 in the Rio Vista High School Performing Arts building. Purpose of the meeting is to provide more information, a preventative/relief action plan, if needed. So far, no illegal use of student data has been reported.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meeting Tonight 7:00 RVHS Auditorium

Meeting Agenda
November 19, 2008

I. Assign note taker.
II. Adopt mission statement
III. Report on WASC progress
IV. Facilities walk through report
V. Books at RVHS
VI. Volunteer “clearinghouse” project
VII. Schedule date & assign responsibilities for next meeting

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

School Site Walk Around w/ Board of Trustees

The Walk Around w/ the RDUSD Board of Trustees, Nov. 5th, 2008

Amy Eggars lead the group around RVHS campus.

RVHS Itemized Areas of Concern:

1. Entrance of the School/Next to parking lot
  • Landscaping on side of bldg. needs to be re-done w/ proper irrigation.
  • Walkway from parking lot needs to be joined w/ main entrance cement area. (The bldg. was cut off & the bricks still show the cut areas). The establishment of a walkway will develop a "user-friendly" message & will help in a modified transition from the parking lot.

2. Main hallway/Admin. Bldg.

  • Ceiling tiles need to be replaced
  • Walls need to be painted
  • Display Cases need to be refurbished
  • Informational signs need to be posted
  • Pipes protruding from floor in Athletic Director's office
  • Office area needs to be re-organized for efficiency (hallway space may be used to expand needed office area).
  • Unused equipment needs to be inventoried for use or surplus
  • Removal of unused equipment needs to be accomplished
  • Computers in library need to be evaluated for performance & their potential to deliver curriculum & instruction. (If they are non-usable, we need to surplus them)
  • Cafeteria area needs to be reconfigured & modernized to handle the flow & needs of students
  • Curtains in cafeteria need to be replaced or taken down
  • Electrical outlet capacity is deficient
  • Many plexi-glass windows need replacement (old and worn)
  • Door thresholds need to be replaced
  • Broken or uneven floor tiles need to be replaced
  • Wall deterioration in cafeteria under the windows needs to be evaluated & repaired
  • Storefront doors need to be replaced in area leading to front of the school outside of library.
  • All bldg. doors need to be evaluated & brought to code standards.

3. Snack Bar

  • Patio area around Snack Bar needs to be redone. It is a hazard area. Uneven surfaces including gaps between bricks may cause someone to be hurt.
  • Door coming in & out of area are not ADA friendly.
  • More table & sitting equipment needed as well as expanded patio area
  • Sidewalks leading to doors need to be wider
  • Walkway in front of "stage" area needs to have a section for student congregation

4. Grass area leading to Bldg. E

  • A more direct path should be established from parking lot to bldg, especially towards the Performing Arts bldg.
  • Landscaping should be contiguous

5. Wood shop

  • Front area needs: Contiguous landscaping, wider side walk & bldg. to be painted.
  • Back area: Needs to be cleaned & unusable materials discarded.
  • Inside of shop needs to be OSHA evaluated & certified.
  • Classroom needs to be modernized or refurbished.

6. Behind Performing arts Building

  • Fence needs to be replaced to accommodate for student use now & in the future.
  • Landscaping (to include irrigation)
  • "Performing Arts" sign designating the Performing Arts Center

7. Hill behind Bldg. E going towards gym

  • Address use of the hill & proceed accordingly for the safety of students & for the cosmetics of the campus.

8. Gym

  • All doors need to be re-evaluated & fixed so they lock properly.
  • Paint & repair work inside & out
  • Larger walkway areas around gym to accommodate student traffic
  • Need a secure Weight Training Area - Currently using the stage area for this purpose
  • Lockers need to be fixed or replaced
  • Ventilation fans in locker & bathrooms need to be fixed or replaced
  • Cap on outside electrical connection needs to be fixed (on corner of gym facing the relocatables).

9. Agriculture Building

  • Crack in the foundation floor-classroom area
  • Pipe stubs protruding from cement floor
  • Workshop has a drain hole in the middle of the room - "hazard"
  • Lots of debris & unused materials in fenced area behind shop.
  • Shop needs to be evaluated & OSHA certified.
  • Water pump has been removed from a fenced area by the entrance area of the front door; it is leaking.

10. Relocatables

  • Cracked asphalt area needs to be re-sealed.

Principal, Mr. Laleau led the group around the Riverview Middle School Campus.

Riverview Middle School Facilities Needs 2008

1. Gym Building

  • Handicap access bathrooms in Gym
  • Replace lights
  • Painting the gym, halls, cafeteria and band room
  • Replace acoustic tiles in gym & cafeteria
  • Replace windows
  • Installation of rock climbing wall
  • Renew the locker rooms
  • Add A/C & Heating
  • Modern electronically controlled bleachers
  • Replace two main basketball frames & modernize winch-system

2. Administrative Building

  • Replace A/C & heating system
  • Fix drain/flooding problem by main entrance
  • Update sprinkler system around school

3. Yard / Outside

  • Replace water fountains
  • Repair of retainer wall / planter boxes of patio area
  • Update sprinkler system in Lower Field
  • Sod & irrigate demolished building area Or
  • Install parking lot w/ integrated low-maintenance landscaping/beautification w/ irrigation.

4. Portables

  • Remove portable classrooms & rebuild on demolished building area.


I attended the Walk Around that began at the high school at 1:00 PM., November 5th, 2008.

As can be seen by the above school site generated lists, there are a multitude of needs including safety concerns.

Community members may remember that the Measure U Bond for School Facilities Improvement District #1 (SFID #1) (Isleton, DH White, Riverview & RVHS) could only cover a minimum of 1/2 the need, but the district at that time decided to move forward and ask for $14 million w/ the $5 million in matching state funds, because that was what they thought was a reasonable sum that community would support.

The apparent focus for the majority of the bond monies have gone to Isleton Elementary and RVHS, some cosmetics have been done over at Riverview (paint, roof, playground), but not much else.

DH White has been in better shape overall as a campus, so less emphasis was put there.

Riverview is totally ADA non-compliant, but the challenge re: "addressing it" is that if the school district fixed just "one" ADA non-compliant issue, it will trigger a whole cascade of events through state mandated regulations requiring that ALL ADA non-compliant issues be repaired. The big problem for the district is...we don't have the 3 million needed to do that. That being said, the best we can hope for at this time is to do some cosmetic improvements and to obtain portable ADA compliant bathroom units for now (portables won't trip the code compliance cascade w/ the state).

The DH White campus needs to have a cut-out window in the front office so that staff can see who is coming and going. They had a parent w/o custody rights take a child from the campus earlier this year and the school doesn't want something like this to happen again... The computer lab needs additional wiring for additional computer stations. The windows in the portables need to be replaced (very expensive ~$250-300K). A rented portable off the playground doesn't have any storage for supplies, the kindergarten rooms are too small and the area off the kindergarten rooms is a mess (uneven asphalt surfacing, etc.).

Isleton Elementary School will have a beautiful, fully-functional elementary school that will be ready for occupancy by February, 2009.

RVHS still has many unmet needs. The bond monies are almost completely expended at this juncture. The high school has a new Theatre Arts building, teacher and student parking lots; currently there is construction on the Art building that will house Radio Rio and the Art Department/studios. PLEASE see Roxanne's clarification note in comments below. The district office has secured ~ 2.1 million dollar grant for an Ag/Science Bldg. that can be built w/ "state" bond matching funds that will be soon forthcoming. Rio Vista has only a small window of opportunity to utilize the grant monies for the Ag/Science building and EIR (environmental impact studies must be done post-haste along w/ conceptual plans so that the city can fully understand the impact on current infrastructure). The Ag/Science Bldg. can accomplish many objectives within the current curriculum goals of the district w/ extra classrooms that can be utilized for other classes and eventually expanded as need arises. The district office has to be careful in the grant request language due to state stipulations, but eventually hopes to get a decent building in place.

The Special Board of Trustees meeting allowed for citizens to voice their concerns regarding priorities, work/purchase order process (until recently the RDUSD "never" had a system in place for purchase orders and existing staff is struggling w/ the new computerized system and is begrudgingly working with it).

It was brought up by citizens several times that there needs to be a clear job descriptions for maintenance personnel and that there needs to be expectations for compliance and subsequent consequences/disciplinary action for staff that are not doing their jobs. For example, community members have seen maintenance staff just sitting around reading the newspaper when they should be working; citizens have expressed deep frustration over attempts to beautify the grounds many times, only to see it turn to dust and weeds over and over again. It was suggested that there be a re-allocation of resources toward the general maintenance of facilities so that we don't have to replace expensive structures, etc. due to simple neglect. It's difficult to hold staff accountable, document and counsel, etc., if there aren't standards and job performance descriptions/requirements.

Any citizen concerned about this issue and wants to help, contact the Superintendent and consider visiting other local school districts to obtain, if possible, electronic copies of policies and procedures that could be easily adapted and integrated for RDUSD. A contact person for Dixon Unified School District might be Sharon Talesfore, District Administrative Assistant for DUSD (she used to live in Rio Vista) 707-678-5582 / FAX 707-678-0726.

Several community members, such as Margaret Anderson, Mark Trujillo and Richard Hamilton voiced concerns that there has never been a cohesive RVHS site master plan that anyone from the community or city staff has ever seen. Any site plan would help the City to advocate for and with the RDUSD when negotiating w/ developers.

I shared the concept and plan of Rio Vista's incoming Mayor, Jan Vick, for developing and maintaining a community volunteer database that potentially the city, schools, Chamber of Commerce, etc. could all benefit from. There are software systems available to assist organizations/communities in coordinating volunteers.

The Director of Maintenance Operations shared that he and his staff spend ~50% of their time "putting out fires" and is unopposed to having community volunteers who might assist with the mountains of work required around our campuses; that he used to be the Union President and that he believes anything that will help our children would be great. The Superintendent was glad to hear that.

Many caring parents and citizens participated in the meeting and hopefully the district will be responsive to their concerns. The Walk Around process itself was very helpful for the Superintendent in getting a better handle of the needs/problems areas and it was instrumental in clearing up miscommunication/non-communication from some of the staff to the district office.

I think our new Superintendent is still in the information gathering mode, but will do his best to steer us in a positive direction while holding staff accountable for job performance.

Julie Kelly

WASC Meetings & Timelines

the Focus Group dates are as follows...

All at 2:15 @ RVHS in Media Center
Nov 5th & 19th
Dec 10th
Jan 7th & 21st
Feb 11th & 25th
March 4th

Leadership meetings
Nov 20th
Jan 8th
Feb 13th
March 5th

March 9-20 Focus Group Reports edited compiled, and typed, distributed to stakeholders
March 23-27 Self-Study sent to Visiting Committee, WASC
April 27,28, or 29 WASC Visis to the school. Visit will be one day visit by a two-person team.
June 22-29(est.) WASC Commission meets to review and approve terms
August, September School notified of its term

Monday, November 3, 2008

RDUSD Special Meeting Agenda


By Order of the President of the Board of Trustees, this is a Call for and a Notice of a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the River Delta Unified School District on November 5, 2008, Wednesday, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Rio Vista High School (See tour schedule below) and then will be continued at 6:30 p.m. at the District Office.

There will also be a Closed Session of the Board of Trustees at approximately 5:45 p.m. at the District Office, immediately before the 6:30 p.m. Open Session. At the end of the Closed Session the Board will reconvene in Open Session and report any action taken in Closed Session

Anyone may appear at the Board meeting to testify in support of or in opposition to any item on this agenda being presented to the Board for consideration. There will, however, be no general public comment item as this is a Special meeting of the Board. [Government Code Section 54954.3 and .2 and Education Code Sections 35145.5 and 72121.5]

PLEASE NOTE: Anyone may appear and accompany the Board via their own transportation on the scheduled south area attendance site visits which begin at 1 p.m. However, no comments from visitors will be accepted at the time the site visitations are being conducted as this is an information gathering visitation by the Board for the Board. Please hold any comments and questions for the Open Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the District Office in Rio Vista. This will ensure everyone is heard. Thank you for your cooperation.


The South Attendance Area Facilities TOUR SCHEDULE:
1:00 p.m. Rio Vista High School in the Administration Building
2:00 p.m. Riverview Middle School in the Administration Building
3:00 p.m. D. H. White Elementary School in the Administration Building
4:15 p.m. Isleton Elementary School in the Administration Building

1. Re-Call Open Session to Order in the District Office -- 5:45 p.m.
2. Roll Call of Board Members
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. ­Review and Approve Closed Agenda (see attached agenda)
a. Announce Closed Session Agenda
b. Receive any public comments on items listed on Closed Session agenda
5. Adjourn to Closed Session
6. Reconvene to Open Session -- 6:30 p.m.
7. Report of Action taken, if any, during Closed Session (Government Code Section 54957.1) - Board President Baker
8. Review and Approve Open Agenda
Board Member(s) and Superintendent Report (s) and/or Presentation(s), if any
9. Report, receive public comment and concerns, discuss and give directions regarding the Site Facilities Plans for South Attendance Area Schools (Rio Vista High School, Riverview Middle School, D.H. White Elementary School and Isleton Elementary School) – Richard Hennes
10. Adjournment


Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance: Effective January 1, 2003, Assembly Bill 3035 made notices and agendas of public meetings subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 42 USC (12132). Any and all request for “…any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services…: needed to access our agendas or to participate in the public meetings, must be received in writing by the Superintendent’s Office at 445 Montezuma Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571 at least annually before July 1 of each year – or at least 15 calendar days prior to the individual meeting in question. All inquiries may be directed to the Superintendent’s Office (707) 374-1711.

I, Barbaralee Moore, Executive Assistant to the Board of Trustees, declare that a copy of this Special Meeting Agenda/Notice was posted on the bulletin board in front of the District Office and that the Board of Trustees Members, district administrative offices and schools, the community libraries and the River News Herald were provided notice via e-mail and hand delivery on Monday, November 3, 2008 on or before 5:00 p.m.

Barbaralee Moore,
Executive Assistant to
the Board of Trustees