Tuesday, November 25, 2008

FORS Meeting Minutes

FOR Meeting Wednesday 11-19-08

Those in attendance:
Lee Williams
Roxanne Donnelly
Tom Donnelly
Michelle Scott
Julie Kelly
Everett Upham
Jonathon & Toni Mazer
Cheryl Apple
Greta Jenkins
Hale Conklin
Mary Gamaza
Gale Bower

The Approved Mission Statement is:
FOR schools is a group of community supporters dedicated to the overall improvement and promotion of quality education in our local schools.

A.The WASC progress is coming along fine except for a few questions that need to be addressed:

1. The Curriculum focus group may need some help, as their lead teacher will be out on Tuesday 11-24-08 which is when this focus group will be worked on further. We will help as needed. (Remember-We only say this because we want to help)

2. We want to ensure that the students are represented as part of the WASC process.

FYI-each focus group should have at least one staff member, one parent, and one student.

B. Facilities walkthrough
The group feels that each school site should prioritize what needs to be done. It is felt that there should be an "items that can be done now" list and an "items that need major funding" list. It is our goal to work with the district as to where to start and how to get the job done. It was discussed to perhaps get a community volunteer liason to work with the district to spearhead this.

C. I am very happy to announce that all kids now have their required textbooks at RVHS!!!

D. Hale Conklin and Gale Bower have agreed to head a community based volunteer "clearinghouse." Hale Conklin is with a group called Rio Vista Advocates. His goal is to acquire office space in Rio Vista. Hale Conklin and Gale Bower will then provide volunteer manpower to help the community with jobs/projects that need to be done. A website is underway that will list people who have certain invaluable talents and are willing to help. If you are interested in being part of this or have any further questions please visit the website:

E. Our 5 Top Priorities presently:
1. Receiving WASC accredidation
2. Safety,Health,& Cleanliness issues pertaining to the schools
3. Obtaining a textbook coordinator for our schools
4. Technology instruction for the schools' staff
5. Ensuring that communication with the community's schools continues to improve through efforts with all parties involved.

F. Toni Mazer stated that she will do a mass e-mail mailing of the technology plan so we can see what's in place.

Our next FOR Schools meeting is Wednesday 12-10-08 @ 7 p.m. in the RVHS theater
Please plan to attend-our school community depends on it.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Scott

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