Friday, November 21, 2008

Loss of student demographic data at RVHS

Informational Meeting - Report
Loss of Aeries School Student Data Memory “Thumb drive”
November 20, 2008
5:30 p.m. – Rio Vista Performing Arts Theatre
Approximately 100 parents in attendance.

Presenter: Scot Yarnell, Esq.

School Administration Representation: Rio Vista Principal Joe Galindo. (District Superintendent was not able to participate due to recovery from recent surgery.)


What is the school district doing to protect the use of student information for illegal purposes?
A. District has reviewed security of Aeries data systems at all schools. New protocols have been given. Back up memory drives are being put in safes until a secure centralized back up unit is established.

What does the school district intend on doing to put fraud “checks”/monitoring processes in place as precaution to lost student data?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

What is the school district doing to correct the situation and protect information?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Was all students’ data on the thumb drive?
A. Yes

Were police notified?
A. Yes. Case number will be available Monday, November 24, 2008

What can be done to watch for future problems?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Why are student Social Security numbers needed?
A. To be further investigated and reported.

Senior students need to be a priority.

How many students may be affected?
A. 380 Students (Inactive and Active)

Does the data contain information of students not presently attending Rio Vista High School?
A. Yes, but only students that are currently attending and students who have withdrawn for the current year. The total amount remains 380 students.

Will the school district board discuss this issue and if so; will they put remedy on a fast track?
A. To be further investigated and reported.


Provide resource(s), individual or agency, to meet with concerned individuals to help them with problems if problems arise.

Provide information to students and parents, via school webpage, on the ongoing status of the situation.

Make police report case number available for individuals to use if they need to the information to reconstruct Social Security Numbers

District provide and have available a descriptive letter documenting the situation that can be used for future reference by credit bureau if needed.

Make sure police are notified.

Need quick response to issue.

Investigate how other school districts have addressed similar issue.

Provide that minutes of meeting be available to all parents and students.

Develop and share a plan of action.

Provide all missing attorney information.

Request board meeting discussion/action agenda item be established.

Information to be available, by Monday, regarding the extent of student names on lost thumb drive and police report case number.

Next meeting set for December 3, 2008, at 7:00 in the Rio Vista High School Performing Arts building. Purpose of the meeting is to provide more information, a preventative/relief action plan, if needed. So far, no illegal use of student data has been reported.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our family has never furnished our children's S.S.#'s to the District, so our risk is somewhat minimized. My gut feeling is that this info was simply lost and not stolen. Having said that, the District needs to take responsibility. Parents should not have to bear the costs or the time and trouble to do credit checks. If the District has no plan then they need to put one together quickly to indemnify the families invovled.