Sunday, December 7, 2008

Agenda for 12/10/08 FOR Schools Meeting

FOR Schools Meeting
RVHS Media Center/Library
Wednesday, 12/10/08 – 7 PM
1. WASC Accreditation Update
2. Safety, Health & Cleanliness
· Cafeteria
· Gymnasium
· Garbage Cans
· Adequacy of supervision during lunch (fights, food fights, trash left everywhere, couples making out on picnic tables behind the gym, etc.)
· Consider hiring part-time aides
· Discuss safety protocols & procedures in place in the event of fire, bomb threat, guns on campus, etc.
a. Use of walkie-talkies or Nextel phones?
3. Obtaining a textbook coordinator for schools.
4. Technology Instruction for Staff
5. Improved Communication between all involved parties
6. Volunteers on campus
· Volunteer Clearinghouse: Hale Conklin & Gale Bowen
· Volunteer guidelines/training
· Parameters for Site Administrators; develop a linear protocol for volunteer projects.
For example:
a. For electrical, plumbing, IT professional, concrete contractor volunteers -> check w/ Superintendent (is the volunteer plumber licensed? Can he do work under supervision? Have Release of Liability forms been signed?
b. For superficial painting, gluing baseboards, lower skilled volunteer projects ->consult w/ Maintenance Director.
c. For classroom, clerical, etc. ->Use your judgment, etc.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Some items on this agenda are something that the School Site council can look into as well.