Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Info on teacher resignation

Hello everyone
Does any one have info re: why the new math teacher Mr Walker at RVHS has resigned? This will be the 3rd math teacher in 2 yrs. Ross, Aburto, now Walker. This comes in the middle of WASC accreditation and can hurt our students academically.
Ms B. Gomes is going on maternity leave, Mr Fulk is out on medical leave, Mr Lake is out on workman's comp, now Mr Walker resigns. All of these teachers teach advance preparatory classes too. This is a concern to us because one of the bullets of interest which we established at our first meeting was recruitment and retention of teachers.


Anonymous said...

On a blog that is "FOR" schools and the improvement of the RDJUSD with one of their major goals being to work with RVHS on WASC accreditation why is there such a lack of positive things happening at the school and in the district? Why are we not highlighting and showcasing Drama club and their new play “The Real Inspector Hound” that opened last night? Or the RVHS's Band who had a concert with the Trilogy Jazz Band on Wednesday night? Or the success and involvement in our sports programs this year? The amazing support of our parents and families at the winter programs and others throughout the year up and down the district? Or a strong group of amazing teachers and how they touch their students on an individual level, how they truly care about the success and well being of our children? These programs, realities, and accomplishments should take center stage. It's good to highlight the schools and the districts shortfalls in an effort to improve them, but there are many positive things happening in our schools that are receiving no attention from our "newspaper" and no praise by the "community supporters" in this group or any other for that matter. Looking for opportunities to highlight a Williams Act complaint instead of working with the school to avoid such violations is not in the best interest of our students; it is simply spiteful. If the focus of this group is to truly promote strong positive growth in the RDJUSD then it should have a much more positive tone in my opinion. Working for the good of our children with the district is completely different then fighting the district. I feel to many capable, caring, and knowledgeable members of our community have forgotten why they are involved in the first place and have chosen the later of the two.

Sarah said...

Dear Anonymous,
Please reread the groups mission statement and the areas of focus (you will have to look in the archives or scroll down and past the technology report-wow that's a long one!) I invite you to come to our next meeting to see and hear all the positive communication happening and bringing about change. Also see the notes that Michelle posted above from last week's meeting for information on results in a couple of "areas of concern". I encourage you to create an event blog that would report on upcoming programs and all the positive "goings on" in our schools and I will add a link to it from here. This information is usually available on the individual schools website's-the links are on the right. I also invite you to become an "author" on this blog and post any "articles" you feel would be of benefit. You would not be able to do this anonymously but you could use a pen name. Please avail yourself of all the above information, meetings and sources (rather that a couple of posts regarding a personnel matter) and I think you will find that this is a group of "community supporters" doing just that.

Roxanne said...

Dear Anonymous,
I agree with Sarah. Change only happens if you make it happen. FORS is made up of community members who want to see change and progress for the betterment of the students. No one person can do it alone. If you would like to see something happen on this blog site then by all means go for it. Remember "it takes a village".
Highlighting shortfalls can also promote change because it brings issues forward for discussion. Sounds like you want to see some change too so we will see you tonight to help us do that, whoever you are.

Roxanne said...

Just for information purposes: Filing a Williams Act complaint is not a negative thing. It helps to bring attention to the problem so the school can get help in the area of concern. There is money attached to a William's Act complaint that helps fund the
remedy so the district can move forward. Williams Act money was used to fund parts of the Isleton school project.